Thursday, September 5, 2024



Iraq’s inflation rate has decreased to 4% in 2024, showing economic improvement after fluctuations, aided by government stabilization efforts.


  • 📉 Inflation rate drops to 4% in 2024.
  • 📊 Significant improvement from 6.42% in 2023.
  • 🔄 Fluctuations observed from 2020 to 2022.
  • 🏛️ Government actions support economic stability.
  • 📈 Continuous monitoring by regulatory bodies essential.
  • ✅ Reflects overall economic health of Iraq.
  • 🌍 Reported by American Magazine Global Finance.

Key Insights

  • 📉 Decreased Inflation: The decline in inflation to 4% indicates effective economic policies and reflects improved purchasing power for citizens. This stability can boost consumer confidence and spending.
  • 📊 Year-on-Year Comparison: The drop from 6.42% in 2023 to 4% in 2024 is a notable shift, suggesting that previous inflationary pressures have been alleviated through strategic interventions.
  • 🔄 Historical Fluctuations: The inflation rate has varied over the years, highlighting the economic challenges Iraq faced, such as political instability and external factors affecting the economy.
  • 🏛️ Government Intervention: The Iraqi government’s proactive steps in regulating the economy play a pivotal role in stabilizing inflation and restoring public trust in economic management.
  • 📈 Importance of Monitoring: Continuous scrutiny by regulatory bodies ensures that inflation data is accurate, helping policymakers make informed decisions to sustain economic growth.
  • ✅ Economic Indicator: Inflation serves as a critical barometer for Iraq’s economic health, impacting everything from investment to daily living costs for citizens.
  • 🌍 Global Recognition: The acknowledgment by publications such as Global Finance underscores the importance of Iraq’s economic developments on the international stage, potentially attracting foreign investment.

Al-Mandlawi & UAE Ambassador Discuss Future Investments

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Al-Mandlawi's Discussion on Bilateral Relations and Investment Opportunities with the UAE Ambassador, 6 SEPT

 Al-Mandlawi's Discussion on Bilateral Relations and Investment Opportunities with the UAE Ambassador

On September 5, 2024, Acting Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandlawi engaged in a significant meeting with the new United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ambassador to Iraq, Abdullah Matar Al-Mazrouei.  The discussion centered around bilateral relations between Iraq and the UAE, with a particular focus on economic and investment opportunities. 

Overview of the Meeting

During the meeting, Al-Mandlawi and Al-Mazrouei explored ways to strengthen the ties between Iraq and the UAE, emphasizing the importance of cooperation in economic and investment sectors. Both parties expressed interest in advancing these areas for mutual benefit. 

Bilateral Relations

Al-Mandlawi congratulated Al-Mazrouei on his new role and expressed confidence in the depth of relations between the two countries.  The importance of strengthening these ties through the signing of bilateral agreements was also highlighted. 

Economic and Investment Prospects

The meeting underscored the potential for increased economic and investment collaboration between Iraq and the UAE.   Both sides agreed that expanding these areas could significantly contribute to the growth and development of both countries. 

Implications for Future Cooperation

The discussion between Al-Mandlawi and Al-Mazrouei sets the stage for enhanced economic and investment cooperation between Iraq and the UAE. This could lead to the signing of new bilateral agreements and the exploration of joint ventures in various sectors. 


The meeting between Al-Mandlawi and the new UAE Ambassador to Iraq reflects a positive outlook for bilateral relations and economic collaboration.  As of September 5, 2024, the focus on economic and investment opportunities signals a strategic direction for future engagement between the two countries. 

Al-Mandlawi discusses bilateral relations, economic and investment opportunities with the UAE ambassador, 6 SEPT

  Al-Mandlawi discusses bilateral relations, economic and investment opportunities with the UAE ambassador

Acting Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, received today, Wednesday, in his private office, the new Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Iraq, Abdullah Matar Al-Mazrouei, and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, the future of bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries were discussed, and the promising opportunities to advance them in all fields, especially at the economic and investment levels, in a way that achieves the common interests of Iraq and the Emirates, and reflects on the growth and development of the two countries and the well-being of the two dear peoples.

The Acting Speaker of the Council of Representatives congratulated Abdullah Al-Mazrouei, wishing him success in his diplomatic missions on the land of Iraq, while stressing the depth of relations that bind the two brotherly governments and peoples, and the importance of strengthening them by signing bilateral agreements in aspects that concern the two countries.  link



Recent Dinar Guru updates discuss the CBI’s NYC visit to address DFI funds, banking reforms, and positive economic signals for Iraq.


  • 💬 FNu lu mentions CBI’s NYC trip aimed at discussing DFI funds with the Federal Reserve Bank.
  • 🏦 CLARE reports a boost in confidence for the Iraqi banking system after CBI’s meetings with US Treasury.
  • 📅 Mark Z predicts potential developments in the next two days regarding currency exchange.
  • 🏗️ Militia Man highlights a phenomenal road development project indicating US presence in Iraq.
  • 🇨🇭 Switzerland reopens its embassy in Iraq after 33 years, signaling strengthened relations.
  • 💰 Mark Z receives reports of payments starting to roll out but seeks confirmation.
  • ⚖️ Economic reforms are in progress, with the CBI focusing on direct banking relations.

Key Insights

  • 🔍 The CBI’s NYC discussions are pivotal for Iraq’s economic reforms, especially regarding the release of DFI funds. This could enhance Iraq’s financial stability and credibility.
  • 📈 Increased confidence in the Iraqi banking system may lead to improved investment opportunities and economic growth, reducing reliance on foreign banks.
  • ⏳ Mark Z’s prediction of imminent developments suggests a critical period for currency exchange, underlining the importance of staying informed and patient.
  • 🚧 The US’s ongoing involvement in Iraq, as indicated by the road development project, emphasizes the strategic importance of the region and may foster economic support.
  • 🌍 The reopening of the Swiss Embassy highlights a rekindling of international relations, which may attract further investment and collaboration in Iraq.
  • 🚦 Reports of payments rolling out signal potential positive shifts in the economy, but verification is necessary to establish trust in these developments.
  • 🔗 The focus on direct banking relationships signifies a move towards a more self-reliant Iraqi banking sector, reducing vulnerability to external pressures.

Iraq's Banking Revolution: A New Era Begins!




Pimpy discusses the Iraqi Dinar’s current status, political insights, and the Central Bank of Iraq’s recent financial mechanisms.


  • 🗳️ Voter registration shows a Republican gain of 250,000 while Democrats lost 19,000.
  • 📈 95% of the transfer process from the electronic platform is complete, indicating progress in banking.
  • 💱 Iraq’s trade with UAE, Turkey, India, and China makes up 70% of foreign trade.
  • 🔄 Central Bank emphasizes legitimacy in external transfers and anti-money laundering practices.
  • 📉 Inflation in Iraq rose to 3.7% in July, slightly down from 4.4% in 2022.
  • 🔍 The Central Bank’s mechanisms aim to stabilize the Iraqi Dinar’s value.
  • 🏦 Iraq is transitioning to more direct banking relations with approved foreign banks.

Key Insights

  • 🗳️ Political Trends: The significant shift in voter registration could indicate a growing Republican base, which may influence future elections. This trend underscores the political dynamics at play leading up to 2024.
  • 📈 Banking Progress: The completion of 95% of the electronic transfer process signifies a strong move towards modernizing Iraq’s banking system, enhancing efficiency and accountability in financial transactions.
  • 💱 Trade Relations: With 70% of foreign trade focused on key partners, Iraq is strategically positioning itself in the global market, which may enhance economic stability and growth prospects.
  • 🔄 Legitimacy in Transfers: The Central Bank’s commitment to sound transfer practices reflects an effort to establish credibility in international finance, which is crucial for attracting foreign investment.
  • 📉  Inflation Control: Iraq’s ability to maintain a relatively low inflation rate demonstrates effective economic management compared to neighboring countries, potentially fostering consumer confidence.
  • 🔍 Exchange Rate Stability: The focus on stabilizing the Dinar through established mechanisms aims to mitigate speculation and ensure a fair valuation, which is vital for economic health.
  • 🏦 International Banking Relations: Strengthening direct relationships with foreign banks enhances Iraq’s financial framework, paving the way for increased investment and trade opportunities.

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Enhancing Iraq's Banking System: A Path to Clear and Accurate Payment Operations, 5 SEPT

Enhancing Iraq's Banking System: A Path to Clear and Accurate Payment Operations

The recent talks between the Central Bank of Iraq and the United States of America have paved the way for a significant improvement in Iraq's banking system. The introduction of correspondent banking entities across the world is expected to accelerate payment and settlement operations between Iraqi banks and international banks. This development will not only enhance the efficiency of trade financing but also provide a clear and accurate path for the implementation of international banking standards.

A New Era for Iraqi Banking

The correspondent banking entities will play a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of different reserve currencies, including the euro, pound sterling, Chinese yuan, UAE dirham, and Indian rupee, in addition to the US dollar. This diversification of currencies will reduce the country's dependence on a single currency and provide a more stable and flexible financial system.

The Importance of Coordination with the US

The coordination with the monetary authorities in the United States is essential, as the US dollar is the primary source of Iraq's basic reserves. The oil receipts deposited in the oil dollar currency at the Federal Reserve Bank will serve as a foundation for the country's financial system. This partnership will enable Iraq to rebuild its domestic banking market on solid reform foundations, consistent with international banking standards.

Benefits of the Renewed Understanding

The renewed understanding between Iraq and the US will provide the monetary authority in Iraq with a clear and flexible path to:

  • Rebuild the domestic banking market on solid reform foundations
  • Enhance the safety of moving money through the global financial and banking systems
  • Build foreign banking relations consistent with international banking standards
  • Accelerate payment and settlement operations between Iraqi banks and international banks

A Bright Future for Iraq's Banking System

The introduction of correspondent banking entities and the coordination with the US monetary authorities mark a significant step towards a more efficient and stable banking system in Iraq. This development will have a positive impact on the country's economy, enabling it to participate more effectively in international trade and finance. As the banking system continues to evolve, Iraq can look forward to a brighter future, with a more robust and resilient financial system.

Al-Sudani's advisor reveals the results of the discussions between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve, 5 SEPT

  Al-Sudani's advisor reveals the results of the discussions between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve

The Prime Minister's Advisor for Financial Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Salih, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the renewed understanding with the US Federal Reserve will allow the Monetary Authority to restore an internal banking market, while he indicated that the results of the discussions between the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are good and consistent with the rules of work, and he pointed out that they will allow for the implementation of a precise path between Iraqi and international banks. 

Saleh told the official agency, which was followed by "Al-Eqtisad News": "We note from the statement of the Central Bank of Iraq that there is optimism about the results of the discussions of its delegation with the Federal Reserve in the United States of America in particular and consultation with the parties of the main banking system in the United States, specifically (the large international banks concerned with international banking operations that cross the markets), and that an advanced model of understandings has been achieved at this stage."

He added, "This came to document the path of steps and banking mechanisms adopted in foreign transfers, especially those related to financing foreign trade for the benefit of the Iraqi market and ensuring a degree of fluidity and high flexibility within the scope of foreign transfer operations and through the effective role that will be played by global correspondent banking entities that enjoy high standards in terms of the strength of compliance, disclosure and governance."

He added, "Such correspondent banking entities across the world will undoubtedly be similar to the 13 private commercial banks referred to in the statement of talks issued by the Central Bank of Iraq, which dealt with the results of the talks between the monetary authorities of Iraq and the United States of America." 

He stressed that "this will allow for the implementation of a clear and accurate path in accelerating payment and settlement operations between Iraqi banks and correspondent international banks, as well as the final beneficiary in the trade financing cycle in international trade and exchange areas that Iraq deals with by paying in different reserve currencies," noting that "in addition to the dollar as a payment and settlement currency, other international currencies such as the euro, the pound sterling, and the Chinese yuan will take over the task, down to important stable currencies such as the UAE dirham and the Indian rupee, and that the basis of this coordination with the monetary authorities in the United States comes from the fact that the source of the country's basic reserves before going to diversify with other international currencies is the US dollar itself, which is verified from the oil receipts deposited in the oil dollar currency at the Federal Reserve Bank."

He explained that, "Based on the above, such a renewed understanding according to the roadmap will provide the monetary authority in our country with a clear and highly flexible path to rebuild the domestic banking market on solid reform foundations that are consistent with the standard operating rules adopted in international banking, especially in the matter of building foreign banking relations and the safety of moving money through the global financial and banking systems."  link

Coffee with MarkZ. 09/05/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell  09/05/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning. This week is flying….Almost another weekend already 

Member: can you believe we are still waiting?

​​Member: so Sudani said they are going to increase the value of the Dinar....that sounds good.

MZ: Lots of chatter looking at tomorrow…but, we don’t know when it’s going….if half the rumors are right about it has started.….we are in great shape. The problem is I have not been able to verify them. That is frustrating. 

MZ: I am still hearing from lots of sources that things are well underway and we should soon be seeing dollars. But I cannot pin anyone down that they have physical dollars. I’m hearing it- just cannot prove it. 

MZ: A lot of good news out there….over the top good news….but finding someone with physical, ready to roll money ….I cannot find. I have looked and will keep looking ….

Member: if they’re under NDA’s, you’ll never get verification-imo

MZ: And that is a possibility. But for me I’m going to back up a little , stay clam and find out what is real or not. 

Member: Maybe they can only tell you about others and not themselves receiving money due to their NDA

Member: Mark they say silence is golden I do not mind the silence we are just tired of not being golden.

Member: Have F&P’s gone?

MZ: We had expectations they would go…some said on Tuesday.….but no movement yet…..

MZ: Out of Iraq: “Peseshkian set to visit Iraq in first trip as Iran’s President”  They are working on mending relations

Member: Any news on passing the HCL?

MZ: There is movement on that. Some of the problems are tensions between Iran and the Kurds. I believe some of the meetings we are about to see between Iran and Sudani will address this. 

Member: How is Sudani preventing rioting in Iraq with these RV or RI delays besides the fact that it is over 100 degrees every day?

Member: I think Iraq goes first 

Member: I think we will have liquidity at the same time. 

Member: Maybe the delay is to give more folks time to brace for impact.. more are waking up

Member: Restored Republic claims that ROLL OUT started 9-4, and Tier 4B should go 9-6.

Member: DR Charlie Ward said tier4b would go only when the US economy collapsed ! are we there yet????

MZ: A lot of experts are calling for that crash in September.

Member:  Did anyone see what Goldilocks said on telegram that they don’t think the revaluation will be till early next year

Member: yes, read that. I'm talking a few in my group off a ledge as we speak! Ugh.

Member: Maybe Dis Info, Just Like Kuwait In The 1990's?

MZ: I don’t think it will take that long….but if it does…we will find a way to survive. We know it will happen…..we just do not know when. 

Member: it's exciting watching the process of the various countries moving towards asset backed

Member: Wish the US was doing the same…..

Member:  Got an email from my Credit union….Says they all branches will be closed on 9-10 from 8:30-2 for training. 

MZ: I wonder what they need to train on???? Hmmmmm

Member: the writing is all over the place for this to be now! I believe it's been ready for a while but was awaiting other worldly events to go first. All in the timing!

MR. C joins…….

MZ: Good Morning Mr. C- have you heard any big pieces? There is so much hype right now. We are trying to manage our expectations. 

MC: The word I got earlier this week was that things are in progress….and to stand by. Understand I get this by telephone and both good guys and bad guys are listening. We have to be careful what we say. But I am very encouraged by what is going on. Whether it is in the next few days or the next few weeks…..I see this coming to a climax. I really do. And I am very pleased. 

MZ: Well I am excited that you are so upbeat. 

Please listen to the replay for Mr. Cottrell’s  full interview, opinions and information 





The Central Bank of Iraq is advancing its banking system to align with international standards, nearing completion of a major transformation with 95% of processes done.


  • 📈 New measures boost confidence in Iraq’s banking system.
  • 🌐 Iraq is moving towards global banking compliance.
  • 💵 95% of banking processes are complete, signaling readiness for international relations.
  • 🔄 Direct banking relationships are replacing previous electronic platforms.
  • 🏦 The U.S. Treasury’s involvement strengthens Iraq’s financial systems.
  • 🌍 Iraq is expanding its currency operations beyond just the dollar.
  • 📊 Anti-money laundering measures are being implemented to ensure financial stability.

Key Insights

  • 📊 Strengthened Banking Confidence: Recent meetings between Iraqi officials and U.S. Treasury representatives have enhanced trust in Iraq’s banking system, essential for international investment and economic stability.

  • 🌐 Global Integration: Iraq is progressively dismantling its reliance on foreign correspondent banks, indicating a shift toward self-sufficient banking operations that comply with international standards.

  • 💵 Near Completion of Banking Reforms: With 95% of the banking transformation completed, Iraq is poised for greater financial independence and international participation.

  • 🔄 Transition to Direct Banking: The move from electronic platforms to direct banking relationships is crucial for smoother foreign trade transactions and enhancing Iraq’s economic framework.

  • 🏦 U.S. Treasury’s Role: The involvement of the U.S. Treasury has been pivotal in guiding Iraq towards safer banking practices, aligning them with global financial norms.

  • 🌍 Diversified Currency Operations: Iraq is exploring trade in multiple currencies, including the Euro and Chinese Yuan, which may reduce its dependence on the U.S. dollar over time.

  • 📊 Focus on Compliance and Security: Emphasizing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures shows Iraq’s commitment to creating a secure and compliant banking environment, which is crucial for attracting foreign investment.

Iraq's New Economic Measures: An Economist's Take

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 09/05/2024



Our Military Intel Contact

just said they release everything at 3pm PDT on Tues. 3 Sept. to start the shotgun release of liquidity & notifications over next 72 hours for the lower levels / tiers including 4B.

  • Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 Wolverine:
  •  “Jennifer said in her podcast that Payments are being made; Groups would know about their payments today; Tier4A payments are ending on Wed. 4 Sept., Thurs. 5 Sept. or Fri. 6 Sept.; Notifications for Tier4B will be this week.  … Now every single Intel provider is saying that this is our week. Once my Whale receives his notification (any time this week) all operations will be shut down immediately. Blessings, Wolverine.”




Hello everyone. So, today is Wednesday and I wanted to talk with my CBI contact in Iraq before publishing this Newsletter. This will happen later today but for now I am publishing what I have for news. I have to tell you it is “WOW!”. 

You know what? I really hate to continue with “I told you so news” or better yet “they told us so news”. But this is the news today. Yes, Iraq told us all about how they fully intend to get back the “glory days of dinar” and so they are doing it. 

Yes, simply put, they are doing it. 

But let’s stop all this idiotic intel from this guy TONY TNT and Bruce Big (stupid) call bullshit, and put the pieces of the puzzle together.

 I allude to a puzzle because at this point the pieces are all aligning so nicely.

 We don’t have to speculate or make up stories, but instead just let it flow out. Again, I say it’s all about implementing the Financial Reforms and then comes the Project to Delete the Zeros followed by the Reinstatement. You can’t do one without the other. You only have to get off the roller coaster, settle down and THINK what is going on. I can almost predict now when Iraq intends to reinstate their dinar. On Wednesday I will make my weekly call to Iraq for an update, stay tuned in.

Here is a short video clip of just what corruption still remains in Iraq. They must deal with this corruption. It stems from political members. 

But NO, the RV has not yet happened and it certainly “is not all done” as many of these idiots are telling you .

 If you read the news this period you will it is still about the electronic banking to secure the dollar and dinar from the hands of the corrupt and the black market.

 They need to know where all the money is going and who has it. They still also need to flush out the hoards of stashes of cash outside the banking system too. This will not and cannot happen to the level they want until the “official” price of the dinar is over the dollar. Has this happened? What event will facilitate this? So please Mr. intel idiot guru don’t tell me “Its all done”. That is a stupid statement and only shows ignorance.

Let’s all get a nice hot cup of your favorite tea, coffee or other relaxing beverage and join me today as I explain what I mean by today’s WOW! WOW! WOW! news.

Folks, the path to the reinstatement is crystal clear. Can you see it too. So, take what we learned just in the last 9 months and you can see the writing is on the wall. I don’t say this lightly either. We are just about there. But first things first.

Now can you remember I told you as we near the elections in the US this current crooked administration of the Biden and Harris must first be dealt with. Also there still are some loose ends that need to be “tidied-upped”. We are just about 66 days away to Nov 5th. This is a pivotal election in many ways. So now as we get closer to the US election cycle, these other issue become more and more important. THE PUSH IS ON!

😊 One of the loose ends is the much-needed amendments to the Iraq Investment Law. They told us in an article that the WTO requested some changes to the law. In this same article, they told that this was the ONLY issue holding Iraq back from full accession. It has been months and months already since they told us this law was needed in an article. So, what pops out in the recent news. The article is titled “PARLIAMENTARY ECONOMY COMMITTEE DISCUSSES AMENDING THE “INVESTMENT LAW”.

HERE IS THE LINK OF "Iraq's Investment Law: Big Changes Ahead!"

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT:  Iraq's Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses Amending the Investment Law, 1 SEPT

The Iraqi legislative arena is currently witnessing intensive discussions about the fourth amendment to Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, in light of the significant expansion of investment activity in the country in recent years. So we may see this law very soon. Then the WTO.



The Central Bank of Iraq discussed in Washington the re-integration of banks banned from the dollar, in addition to contracting with electronic payment companies. regarding the visit of the delegation headed by the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, to ​​the United States of America, in which he said that the delegation discussed the use of electronic payment cards and ways to organize and stimulate their use in line with Iraq’s trend towards electronic payment.

This came “during separate meetings with a group of companies such as (Visa, Mastercard and MoneyGram), as the international auditing company (KPMG) presented an extensive analytical presentation of the uses of these cards, supported by recommendations and proposals to enhance organized use and accommodate the significant increase in citizens’ use of these cards.”

The statement added, “The parties gathered during the negotiations praised the important steps in enhancing the banking sector reforms, the most important of which is the contract that the delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq concluded with the company (Oliver Wyman) to conduct a comprehensive review of the conditions of Iraqi banks, especially banks prohibited from dealing in the US dollar, as the company will work to develop practical solutions to reintegrate these banks into the Iraqi and international banking sector, in addition to improving the level of banks’ procedures in line with international.

I told you that we would hear of the results of this meeting soon. And so here it is and it all sounds promising/ They need to restructure these banks. They need to buy and sell foreign currency, including the US dollar.

😊  Next there was an article titled “CBI LAUNCHES NEW PHASE OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS”. On August 30th, Shafaq News told us the Iraqi Central Bank (CBI) delegation in New York has announced the commencement of a new phase in international transfer operations, involving 13 Iraqi banks. According to a statement by the bank, this initiative is aimed at diversifying currencies and facilitating global transfers. The statement highlighted that this development follows an agreement on mechanisms to regulate these transactions, which will now include the use of the Euro, Chinese Yuan, Indian Rupee, and UAE Dirham.

So, now read my lips…. Can you say “international” along with me? Now do you know why I am so happy today? Can you see the writing is on the wall too?

😊 Then the proverbial icing on the cake is a statement made by Al-Sudani’s finance advisor Saleh, that he believed that removing three zeros from the currency, globally, requires two conditions:

1. “political stability and economic stability. When these two factors are available, countries resort to removing zeros from their currency,” adding that “the value is fixed and not affected. Rather, it is a relative change.”

2.He stated that the project to remove three zeros “we worked on between 2011 and 2012, but there was a delay in the matter, because it requires a change in the accounts of the Republic of Iraq and statistics, and requires cooperation between monetary policy and all government policies.”

It is noteworthy that a number of economists and experts recently called for deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency,

Holly Molly what a statement! WOW! WOW! WOW!. They once again told us that “there was a delay” but they are now working on it?

 So what changes do they need to make to go forward once again? Folks, I hated even to ask this question as we have witnessed and are now witnessing all these changes happen right in front of our noses. All I can now is “I told you so”. 

That they are not yet ready but we can clearly see it will not be much longer. This is a bright ray of sunshine for all of us today with all the “WOWness”. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!

Did I just say “WOW!” twelve times…..… 😊

What can we as investors do right now?
  • Pray and pray that nothing will mess this up….
  • Be very patient….
  • Do not sell your dinar….  
  • No more intel guru talk….
  • No more NESARA / GESARA crazy talk….
  • Stop listening to all these idiots as they are only confusing you more and more (especially TNT and “The Big Call” idiots.)
  • Don’t over speculate and set unjustified expectations….

I know the path to this reinstatement, and I don’t have to speculate or guess. If you are faithful follower of my blog, you then clearly see I have NEVER misled you on the information. How can I say this? It is because I show you evidence and FACTUAL information not some make-believe fairytale bank stories or lies that four letter agencies are talking to me, because they aren’t, and I don’t care what the hell they are saying anyway. 

These rumors are like an illness that has spread throughout our dinar investment community. It is easy to lie and make up stories but much, much harder to spend the time translating articles and applying them to what is really going on. Yes, we must stay grounded as this RV is coming to a closure and there is not much longer to wait.