Monday, February 26, 2024

We will host the Governor of the Central Bank and the directors of licensed banks - Parliamentary Integrity, 27 FEB

 We will host the Governor of the Central Bank and the directors of licensed banks - Parliamentary Integrity

Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Abdul Amir Al-Mayahi, said that the Central Bank directed the banks to deliver external transfers in dollars, but some of them did not comply with the instructions, and we will take quick decisions against them, indicating that there is talk within the committee to host the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, and the directors of licensed banks, in the coming days, Against the background of these violations.

Al-Mayahi explained, in an interview with the official newspaper, followed by the 964 Network , that “banks’ violation of instructions regarding converting customers’ transfers in foreign currency into the Iraqi dinar at a price set by the state at 132 causes serious harm to customers, due to the price difference,” calling it “a violation, despite From the directive of the Central Bank dated 12/31/2023, and its confirmation on 1/2/2024, then reaffirming the instructions for a period not exceeding nine days on 1/11/2024 on the necessity of adhering to the instructions of the Central Bank and taking into account the rights of customers.”

Al-Mayahi added, “The Central Bank directed that customers be given their transfers in dollars, not Iraqi dinars, and that the banks should inform the Central Bank of the amounts they need for cash dollars to meet their customers’ requests,” indicating that “the banks, unfortunately, did not respond to the call of the Central Bank, did not implement the instructions, and are still delivering external transfers to customers in dinars.” .

He pointed out that “the Integrity Committee will have a major role in relation to these violations, especially since there is talk within the committee to start hosting the Governor of the Central Bank and the advanced staff in the coming days, in addition to the directors of licensed banks to examine the violations committed by them.”

Al-Mayahi stated, “Council of Ministers Resolution No. (23.26) of 2023 emphasized taking into account dealing in the Iraqi currency and supplying the dinar, and this does not apply to converting foreign remittances to the dinar,” and said: “This is a clear violation and quick decisions will be taken regarding it by the committee.”   link



 IMO the monetary exchange rate has been monitored to deal with internal inflation in the country of Iraq.  The RV phase of the monetary reform brought forth all the calculations in order to succeed with the citizens first...Therefore when they reprice the market in Iraq get excited.



 [Mr. IT Guy Bank Story] 

My brother asked [JP Morgan Wealth Manager] whether he could bypass the US dollar and exchange straight from the IQD to gold and silver and the private banker said he didn't know but he would find out and call him back.  

 MILITIA MAN:   My understanding is that is possible...I have been told some time ago by more than one source that if the currency is traded on the international acceptable foreign exchange currency...they'll take that currency in exchange for precious metals. 

My wife and I...were looking for a Chase branch that had JP Morgan Wealth Management printed on the door as well as Chase...I'm in a large metropolitan area...We found one near us...My brother took  it upon himself to call the branch yesterday.  He specifically asked for a private banker...My brother asked him if they exchange foreign currencies and if he was aware of the Iraqi revalue of their currency.  

The private banker said yes he was and that they would be exchanging at that location...and names and numbers he's taking will get priority over anybody else that calls or walks in  after the revalue..

As soon as it hits Forex he's going to start making  phone calls...He told my brother they were expecting a number of people to be coming in and were preparing for that, a bunch of new people with wealth is...exactly what he told my brother...They're planning on having police officers available at the location for  those customs that are planning on leaving the establishment with large sums of cash... 

 MILITIA MAN: ...Is it a coincidence that  this expert came out tonight and talked about deletion of the zeros?  We're going to find out.  It's pretty interesting stuff.


Today I decided that I was going to go to several banks just to verify what we have all been hearing.  So I went to the first bank it was Wells Fargo.  

The manager told me that she has been with the bank for 17yrs, I kid you not, she said 17yrs and she has heard about the Iraqi Dinar the whole time she has worked there and she thinks it's a scam.  At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked her and left.  

Next I went to a 2nd bank, another Wells Fargo.  They told me that they do Foreign Currency Exchanges but not the Iraqi Dinar and probably never will exchange the dinar. 

At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked him and left. 

My 3rd stop was Chase Bank. 

A man from one of the cubicles approached me and asked if he could help.  I said I would like to speak with the manager.  He said she is in a meeting but I could wait for 5-10 minutes and she will be available.  He said while your waiting is there something I can help you with.  I said it's about foreign currency so I would prefer to talk to the manager. 

He said come with me I can get you going in the right direction.  I said have you heard about the revaluation of the currency. 

He said YES i have. I said do you believe it is going to happen so. 

He said, yes I do.  I asked if they exchange at the branch or send it out.  He said we do everything at this branch. 

I asked if they  exchange Iraqi Dinar, he said not at the moment but we have some customers like you.  I said OK what does that mean. 

He said how much do you have and I said I am not comfortable sharing that information.  He said not a problem is it over 100,000 because if it is I will schedule you an appointment with an advisor and someone else (I forget the title of the 2nd person). 

If it's below 100,000 it would be with someone different. 

I have an appointment with 2 people tomorrow (not to exchange) but meet with them. 

He said get all your questions and information together for your meeting.  I thanked him and left feeling much better that the information we are being told is really happening.

Government work to complete the 2024 budget schedules, 27 FEB

 Government work to complete the 2024 budget schedules

The Ministry of Planning confirmed today, Monday, the continuation of its work to complete the 2024 budget schedules.

Ministry spokesman, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said, “Work is continuing to complete the 2024 budget schedules in coordination with the Ministries of Finance and Oil and the relevant authorities, so that they will be discussed soon by the government and then sent to the House of Representatives.”

He explained, "The budget tables include the volume of revenues for the year 2024 and the volume of expenditures in their operational and investment aspects."

Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed, during her meeting with the Finance Committee, that “employees’ salaries for the year 2024 are fully insured,” indicating that “the release of the salaries of the region’s employees for the current month is subject to the submission of lists of names, and we have stipulated nationalization to disburse them during the coming months.”

She added, "The Ministry has begun launching financing for the operational budget," noting that "the 2024 budget tables will soon be sent to the Council of Ministers for approval and sending them to Parliament."    link



 Article:  "The dinar and its three zeros - is it time to symak the dinar and return to the dinar 1980

  IMO [symak means make]  What's so big about 1980 So you want to return the dinar to the 1980's By 1971, '72, '73, the Iraqi dinar on the international market was $3.778. was reduced on purpose to $3.2169 in 1980.

 Iraq is one step ahead of us.  The Iraqi citizens...are already taking their 3-zero notes and taking  them to the bank and opening accounts because they know the monetary reform has educated them...All of a sudden bank accounts just  exploded in Iraqi banks...



 Article quote: "the prevailing proposal is to replace every thousand dinars of the current currency with one dinar of the new currency...

The deleting zeros can achieve many benefits, the most important of which is getting rid of high inflation pressures on the economy and restoring confidence in the national currency and the monetary system as a whole, facilitating accounting processes and cash exchange between citizens, and reducing the cost of managing and maintaining the monetary block by reducing its volume under circulation"

 Article:   "Biden's envoy arrives in Baghdad and meets Al-Sudani"

   Article: " Al-Sudani is making an upcoming visit to Washington

 Quote "The two sides discussed the files that will be raised during the Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Washington, and the cooperation mechanism within the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States, and the committees formed in this regard,

Article: "Al-Sudani is making an upcoming visit to Washington"  Quote "The two sides discussed the files that will be raised during the Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Washington, and the cooperation mechanism within the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States, and the committees formed in this regard,


Al-Sudani’s Office: The Iraqi speech in Munich was frank about issues of sovereignty, security, and economic partnerships


Director of the Media Office of the Prime Minister, Rabie Nader, confirmed today, Saturday, that the Iraqi speech in Munich was frank on issues of sovereignty, security, and serious economic partnerships.

Nader said, in a tweet on the {X} platform, that: “More than 22 meetings were held by the Prime Minister in Munich in just two days, and the Iraqi speech was frank on issues of sovereignty, security, and serious economic partnerships.”

He added, “There was great international understanding of Iraq’s desire to move the relationship with the international coalition countries from security to strategic partnerships in various fields, and the messages were clear that Iraq’s security is necessary for the security of the region and a stable Iraq is in everyone’s interest.” 

Nard continued, “Iraq is a meeting point and refuses to be an arena for settling scores, and the international community must move quickly to stop the war on Gaza.” LINK

Clare:  Al-Sudani discusses with members of the US Congress the end of the international coalition’s mission and the transition to bilateral relations


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed, with members of the US Congress, today, Saturday, the end of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq.

Al-Sudani’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News} that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani received four members of the US Congress, namely: Mike Turner, McKeirl, Joe Wilson, and Gerry Connolly, on the sidelines of his Excellency’s participation in the 2024 Munich Security Conference.” .

The statement added, “During the meeting, bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States were discussed, and ways to enhance constructive cooperation, as well as a number of files and issues of common interest were reviewed.

The meeting also touched on the ongoing dialogue regarding ending the mission of the international coalition in Iraq, after the arrival of the security forces.” Iraq has reached an advanced stage of readiness and high performance, and the transition to broad bilateral relations between Iraq, the United States of America, and the rest of the coalition countries.”

The Prime Minister stressed, “the necessity of developing relations between the two countries at various levels and sectors, without limiting them to the security aspect only,” pointing to “the state of recovery that Iraq is going through, the reforms it is witnessing in various economic and financial sectors, and the progress of concluding integrated economic partnerships with countries in the region.” “And the world, which will contribute to promoting development and achieving stability for the country.”

For their part, members of the US Congress indicated their “interest in the success of the Iraqi government in several aspects,” stressing “the importance of Iraq and its role in enhancing security and stability in the region.”   LINK

'Unprecedented' agreement in the Iraqi government to remove US forces, 27 FEB

  'Unprecedented' agreement in the Iraqi government to remove US forces

Baghdad Today - Translation 

The Iranian Press TV Agency announced in a report published on Sunday (February 25, 2024) the existence of what it described as an "unprecedented consensus" between leaders and political officials within the Iraqi government to "remove" US forces from the country completely, Declaring the country's full ability to face the challenges and threat of terrorism.

The agency said, according to what was translated by "Baghdad Today", that the National Security Adviser Qassim Al-Araji, confirmed to her the information she previously obtained about the existence of political and security consensus on the removal of US forces, explaining that "Iraqi leaders have become confident of the ability of Iraqi forces to face the dangers and challenges to the country without the need for US forces, whose presence has become harmful to Iraqi security as a result of the targeting operations carried out inside the country."

The agency also confirmed that it had obtained information confirming that the Iraqi government will "sign individual security agreements" with the countries that now represent the international coalition alongside the United States, noting that these agreements will ensure that the government in Baghdad receives the support of those countries for Iraq in addition to the continuous strengthening of the capabilities of the Iraqi forces, by withdrawing their description.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi parliament took in 2020 a non-binding decision to remove US forces from Iraq, as the agency indicated that the current consensus between the political and security leaders in the country will witness during the coming period another decision from Baghdad that is binding after the agreement with the US side.

Do electronic payments reduce the printing of fiat currencies in Iraq?, 26 FEB

Do electronic payments reduce the printing of fiat currencies in Iraq?

Economy News – Baghdad

The Central Bank of Iraq expected on Monday that electronic payments would reduce the printing of fiat currencies in the coming years.

The Director of the Operations and Settlements Department at the Department of Information Technology and Payments, Zaid Humaid Rashid, said in a statement followed by the “Economy News” agency, that the bank provided the infrastructure for electronic payment operations, by spreading culture and awareness of this subject and applying the decisions of the Council of Ministers,” noting that “these decisions can be applied with settlement systems to activate a reciprocal through which these decisions are implemented.”

He added that “every new work can face some obstacles, problems and mistakes at the beginning, and we are working to find solutions to these obstacles,” pointing to “establishing workshops and meetings in this regard, to review a number of figures that proved the success of the project and the acceptance of citizens.”

Rashid continued that “any problem or hinderance is a complete cycle and every party has a role in that, such as the Central Bank and government banks that have missed the existence of their own regulations, which was the main reason for these problems.”

He explained that “electronic payment will reduce the printing of paper currency as well as the strategic benefits of the country in general and the citizen in particular.”



We expect Viį»‡t Nam’s export orders to continue increasing in the months ahead due to the surprising strength of the US economy, as evidenced by the highest level of US consumer confidence since the COVID reopening boom.”

"The resulting broad-based economic recovery (in exports, manufacturing, and consumption) should boost earnings for a range of listed stocks, enabling active managers to outperform the broader stock market." 

Vietnam is showing trading statistics that indicate a self-sustaining economy that is growing, and even has, greater potential going forward. 

At this point, Vietnam is showing momentum. When a country starts to show a trade surplus, it indicates that a demand for a country's goods and currency is in higher demand. Thus, creating the need for an increase in a country's currency value.

© Goldilocks,the%20currency%20appreciates%20in%20value.

Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains, 26 FEB

  Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains

 Economic expert, Durgham Muhammad, said on Sunday that deleting the currency’s zeros does not conflict with its value, explaining what needs to be taken before resorting to this step.

Muhammad told Jarida, “Deleting the currency’s zeros is a regulatory process that does not conflict with its value, but this step needs educational campaigns to precede it, and a transitional period for trading the currency with its zeros and the new currency to know that the two currencies are equal in value.”

He stressed, “Printing new denominations must be proportional to the market’s need to cover daily trading, provided that there is no significant increase in the monetary supply in the market so that inflation does not occur.”  link


 Militia Man 

 They're talking about deleting the zeros again...We're not talking 1, 2 or three articles...

 Article quote:  "The issue of deleting the zeros and splinting the dinar has become a topic that causes a lot of reflection and controversy in economic circles..."  

 If you go from 1310 to something back to a 'previous era' a big move ...Article quote: "When this is done correctly we can expect...a strong dinar that is considered a store of value and perhaps even stronger than the dinar that was before 1980."

 Iraq is going to explode with growth.  We all know that...You're going to provide thousands  and thousands of jobs and build 10 industrial cities, millions of creates a lot of growth.  It creates a lot of jobs...    

Evening News with MarkZ. 02/26/2024

The Sudanese advisor explains the mechanism for distributing salaries to Kurdistan employees, 26 FEB

 The Sudanese advisor explains the mechanism for distributing salaries to Kurdistan employees

Mawazine News – Baghdad,

Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, announced the mechanism for distributing employee salaries after the Federal Court’s decision to oblige the localization of the salaries of all employees of government agencies in the center and the Kurdistan Region in federal banks.

Mazhar Muhammad Saleh said, in a statement followed by Mawazine News, that the mechanism for distributing employees’ salaries is based on:

1- On a principle called (salary localization), that is, the employee chooses the bank (governmental or licensed private) in which the employee wishes to deposit his salary and in a bank account in his name. Then the employee’s department replenishes that employee’s account (monthly) with the bank he chose himself and opens his account there, usually a savings account.

2- The employee (whose salary is with the bank) is provided with an electronic debit or payment card issued by the bank agent (which is a payment company that is responsible for providing the employee with an electronic debit or payment card, such as (Key Card, Sawj, or Al Nakheel Company…etc.), that is, the company Payments are determined by the bank in which the employee’s salary is settled.

3- The employee’s account with the bank is linked to a credit card.

4- The employee has the right to withdraw his salary in cash through the card, in whole or in part, and through automated teller machines, especially POC (point of cash) machines, which are widespread. Everywhere is managed by the licensed private sector.

The employee who holds the electronic card also has the right to pay digitally through the phone or point of sale devices in shops, restaurants, etc.

During the Federal Court session, Wednesday (February 21, 2024), the President of the Federal Court, Jassim Muhammad Abboud, issued a decision requiring the defendants to oblige the Prime Minister of the Federal Government and his counterpart in the region to localize the salaries of employees of all ministries, governorates, and entities not affiliated with a ministry, and all employees of other entities, retirees, and beneficiaries. The social protection network is held by government banks, and is deducted from the region’s share in accordance with the budget law for this year and the coming years.

The court referred to “obligating the monthly budget of Kurdistan Region employees to be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Finance, and obliging the Kurdistan Region Council of Ministers to hand over all oil and non-oil revenues to the federal government.”

“The decision to localize the salaries of the region’s employees is a final and binding decision,” according to the Federal Supreme Court.

During the meeting of the Iraqi Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, with the Finance Committee of the Iraqi House of Representatives, she confirmed that “the release of salaries for employees in the Kurdistan Region during the current month is subject to submitting lists of names, and we have stipulated localization in order to disburse them during the coming months.”




"The WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) will take place from 26 to 29 February 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Ministers from across the world will attend to review the functioning of the multilateral trading system and to take action on the future work of the WTO. The Conference will be chaired by H.E. Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Trade."

There are high expectations that full acceptance into the WTO for Iraq will happen during this meeting taking place today. 

Let's stay grounded. We will soon find out if Iraq is fully accepted into the WTO or not this week.

© Goldilocks

The End Of The Second Round Of Negotiations Between Baghdad And Washington For The Withdrawal Of The Coalition... And Iraqi Hopes For Another, 26 FEB

 The End Of The Second Round Of Negotiations Between Baghdad And Washington For The Withdrawal Of The Coalition... And Iraqi Hopes For Another

Time: 02/25/2024 20:09:57 Read: 1,339 times  {Politics: Al-Furat News} Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, announced today, Sunday, the end of the second round of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington regarding the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq.

Hussein said, in a press statement, “The negotiations are continuing and the second round has ended, and we hope to have other rounds,” without revealing the results of the last two rounds.

It is also possible that there will be a round of discussions in Washington during the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the United States, according to Hussein.

On January 25, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the success of the negotiations between the Iraqi and American governments, which began in August 2023, to formulate a timetable specifying the duration of the presence of international coalition advisors in Iraq and ending the military mission of the coalition against ISIS.   LINK


 Nader From The Mid East 

 The RV will not happen if no one declares the end of the war...we still on war.  In  December 2021 they took troops out...but they never declared the end of the war...and they never took out the international coalition

 For everything to happen they have to declare the end of the war.  The international coalition have to be out of there.   The soldiers of United States have to be out of there.  Of course they're going to bases in Iraq but they're going to keep friendly bases in Iraq...not for war...I don't think Biden is going to do it.    

Some people comes out and go, 'Hey, the dinar is going to be $7.00 or $8.00..' bullshit like that.  I don't know where they get the information from.  If it goes 1 to 1 I'll be happy...The second thing, when they come out and they go, 'The back screens.'  What back screens

 Why you not showing the back screens? 

 Who's telling you about back screens?  

Other people go, 'Iraq the exchange rate is internal and external.'  What the hell you saying.  It's crazy.  You know they're not going to come out and say, 'We're going to change the exchange rate but only in Iraq.' ...Then banks...the numbers doesn't work like that.  It doesn't work at $7 or $8 or $11...Be reasonable. $2.80 or $3.50 maximum like it used to be...

Foreign Ministry: Sudanese Will Raise The Issue Of Withdrawal Of American Forces During His Visit To Washington, 26 feb

 Foreign Ministry: Sudanese Will Raise The Issue Of Withdrawal Of American Forces During His Visit To Washington

Political | 02/25/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad   The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, confirmed the continuation of negotiations with the American side regarding the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq.

Hussein said, “The negotiations are continuing and the second round has ended, and we hope to have other rounds.”

It is also possible that there will be a round of discussions in Washington during the visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, to the United States, according to Hussein.

And last January 25, The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the success of the negotiations between the Iraqi and American governments, which began in August 2023, to formulate a timetable specifying the duration of the presence of international coalition advisors in Iraq and ending the military mission of the coalition against ISIS.



Article:  "For The First Time In 20 Years...Iraq Participates In The Ministerial Conference Of The World Trade Organization"  

Quote: “ Iraq is participating for the first time since 2004 in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization...

pointing to “the completion of the requirements for Iraq’s accession to the organization, which is the completion of the files of trade in goods and trade in services within the timetable for joining the global multilateral trading system.

His Advisor: Al-Sudani Will Go To Washington To Enhance Strategic Cooperation, 26 FEB

 His Advisor: Al-Sudani Will Go To Washington To Enhance Strategic Cooperation

Political |  02/25/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad, the political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed that preparations have begun for the visit of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, to Washington.

Al-Shammari said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, “Iraqi diplomatic teams are working to organize the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington and its agendas.”

He added, "The political file and the nature of the partnership will be the priority in the discussion between Iraq and America," noting that "the Iraqi embassy in Washington is active and is continuously supplied with files.

He pointed out that "Iraq has activated its relations with European countries and with China and is working to diversify its political and economic relations." Pointing out that "Iraq wants to diversify the space of external openness and establish balanced relations with everyone."


Sat. 24 Feb. Wolverine

“I am in Queensland in a beautiful hotel. Yesterday, I went to the Summit, and it was fantastic. The amount of love shown to me and my wife, and my nephew was incredible. Everyone was wonderful, people of God, so much love. That is what we are all about. We are here about love and compassion, and I felt honored to be part of this journey. 

We got there about 12:30. Trish and Doug did the fantastic Trust presentation. No Trust is needed, but every single millionaire has a trust to protect themselves. The QFS is safe but when you transfer money out you may be vulnerable. When you have Trust, you tell people it is not my money it is a trust, nothing to do with me. Besides, it is none of people’s business anyway. I want you guys to get ready. We have been waiting for many years.

 According to all sources coming in, and these are “Boots on the Ground”, that we are to get ready. People are giving dates, but I am saying it must happen before the end of the month. In Kuwait, when they gave a date, they said it would be delayed, then suddenly, they released it even when they said a certain date, it just happened without warning. This could happen after I stop talking to you, and the funds could be released, so we never know when the notifications will come in. What I have been told is that certain platforms are checking people’s IDs for criminal records. All banks are functioning to get this done.

 The NAB of Australian may be the bank to exchange, but in HSBC in Australia may be the main bank. But we will find out when we get those notifications where the Australian people will go. I want to say that there are a lot of stories about Skye. Skye is well versed on the Medbeds. The conversation yesterday for an hour, was all about compassion and love, how the Medbeds will function, and they are ready to go. 
There was nothing about the sorts of things we are reading about. Some people may have had a change of mind after reading Ariel.

 However, Skye is a nice lady, and has been ill for a long time. She is brave and has guts. She gave a great speech and had a standing ovation. Just get ready, might be any day, and It may be today or tomorrow, but I feel before the end of month. I wanted to reinforce what you guys are hearing. This is it.

 Most of you will get very emotional and I will be emotional, especially for those of us who are ill. When you go to the redemption center, ask to get a phone number, and of you are severely sick, be sure to tell them you need to go “now” I am trying to go to the Medbed the same day to get my health restored. My mom has dementia, and I also would like all my loved ones restored. Today, we are getting together with leaders out for lunch and then we got back to Sydney. When I get blessed, I will come back here to the Gold Coast with my wife to show her around. Look after yourselves, God Bless you, get that champagne ready, we are nearly ready to go at Light Speed soon! Have a beautiful day. 

Take care,


During The Past Week... Iraq's Oil Exports To America Increased, 26 FEB

 During The Past Week... Iraq's Oil Exports To America Increased, 26 FEB

Economy |  02/25/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad   The US Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq's oil exports to America rose during the past week.

The administration said in a table seen by Mawazine News Agency, “The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from 9 major countries amounted to 5.642 million barrels per day, an increase of 217 thousand barrels per day compared to the previous week, which amounted to 5.425 million barrels per day.” .

She added, "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to 226 thousand barrels per day last week, an increase of 183 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 43 thousand barrels per day."

The administration also indicated that “most of America’s oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at an average of 3.669 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 784 thousand barrels per day, and oil revenues from Saudi Arabia amounted to an average of 224 thousand barrels per day, and then Colombia at an average of 286 thousand barrels per day.” ".

According to the table, “the amount of American imports of crude oil from Nigeria was at a rate of 159 thousand barrels per day, from Ecuador at a rate of 158 thousand barrels per day, from Libya at a rate of 92 thousand barrels per day, and from Brazil at a rate of 44 thousand barrels per day.”