Wednesday, January 17, 2024



  [via PDK]  Article:  “Al Sudani arrives in Davos to push the “Development and Road Agenda”  He is pushing to be international in world trade.

 Article:  “Liberation of the dinar from the official rate: Obstacles and Solutions”  They are again talking about the need to increase the value and adjust all the mechanisms to do so. They talk about killing the black market because the markets will determine the new rate. 

There is a lot of news out of Iraq. According to the Iraqi press they are working hard on a change of value and deleting of the zeros.  Deleting the zeros does not mean just take the zeros off…it means the dinar gains so much strength that you cannot use the bills with the 3 zeros on it…  This is good news for us.

Saudi Arabia strongly supports Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, 18 JAN

Saudi Arabia strongly supports Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, 18 JAN

On Wednesday, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia expressed its support for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, especially after the removal of the political obstacles that prevented it.

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement today that the Undersecretary for Political Planning Affairs, Ambassador Hisham Al-Alawi, along with Ambassador Saqr Abdullah Al-Muqbel, received the head of the team charged with negotiating Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, and his accompanying delegation, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Baghdad, in the presence of Hussein Younis, Head of the Economic Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The statement quoted the agent as saying during the meeting that: The Iraqi government is interested in openness to international organizations, and has a desire to activate Iraq’s presence in international forums, explaining that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to enhance regional and international cooperation alongside the relevant ministries in the government.

He pointed out that Iraq has natural and human resources and a specialized workforce in many fields that deserve to be provided with job opportunities, expressing his hope that Iraq’s accession to such organizations will contribute to providing such opportunities by increasing investments in the private sector in light of the current openness and the government’s plans. To develop the economy and develop its various sectors.

For his part, the head of the Saudi delegation confirmed that the Kingdom believes that Iraq is a country that has chosen peace and stability and seeks to achieve economic development, pointing to the importance of Iraq to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from an economic standpoint.

The Saudi delegation noted that the Kingdom believes that the political obstacles that prevent Iraq from joining the World Trade Organization have been removed, stressing that the Kingdom’s government supports Iraq’s desire to enter global economic institutions.   link 


 Militia Man

  Article quote:  "We completed in one year the equivalent of more than 15 years of work..."

 The delegation has been working with Iraq to have an ascension to the WTO.  They're telling you they did the equivalent of 15 years worth of work in one year...It's flat out knock your socks off good information.  It's not me making it up, not anybody else making this stuff up.  This is what they're giving to us to share with you...

It's a numbers game and - the project to delete the three zeros, off of what?  Monetary transactions or we can say off the exchange rate...That's a key important thing.  Do the math on it ...

Article:   "Iraq returns to the World Trade Organization 14 years after its expulsion

  They didn’t finish fifteen years of work in one year to not have accession. The development road and sustainable development projects are only just beginning. Iraq as we have been noting here has been setting the stage for entering the international financial system. We are a part of and watching history in the making!! This is truly an amazing article...

Economist calls for the use of a basket of currencies to evaluate the Iraqi dinar, 18 JAN

 Economist calls for the use of a basket of currencies to evaluate the Iraqi dinar

Baghdad / Nina / An expert in economic affairs Raad Twig called on Wednesday to use a basket of currencies, whether the euro, Chinese colors and the UAE dirham in the evaluation of the Iraqi dinar in a way that crowds its calendar in the dollar.

Twig said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / Nina / "As a result of the high competitiveness of the Iraqi economy in the field of monetary and commodity use in its trade exchange with other countries

And as a result of its use of the dollar and by 95% within the framework of the Iraqi electronic platform and for the most diverse monetary exchange and to prevent the monopoly of the currency of one country on the platform, a basket of currencies, whether the euro, Chinese colors and the UAE dirham, must be used in the calendar of the Iraqi dinar in a way that crowds its calendar in dollar".

He stressed that "allowing users of this basket of currencies to use the electronic platform will contribute to creating monetary balance and addressing any deficit in other currencies."



 Article:  "The House of Representatives discusses the latest requirements for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization"  Quote:  "... Iraq has completed all the requirements for joining the World Trade Organization in 2023, and only legislation remains."

Article:  "Al-Sudani leaves Baghdad for Switzerland to attend the Davos Forum"  Quote:  "On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani left the capital, Baghdad, for Switzerland to participate in the 54th session of the Davos Economic Forum."

 Article:  "With the exception of Iraq...the World Bank announces a rise in food sector inflation in the world"  Quote "...the International Monetary Fund announced a decrease in the inflation rate in Iraq, which is expected to stabilize due to the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq and the impact resulting from raising the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar..."



 Article:   "An Iraqi delegation heads to Washington within days, followed by a visit to Sudan"  Quote:   "Iraqi delegation will head to Washington within days, followed by a visit by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani."

 Article: "Selling an Iraqi currency dating back to the era of “King Ghazi” for 100 thousand pounds sterling"  Quote:  "A very rare Iraqi currency dating back to the royal era was sold in the country, today, Monday, at a fantastic price of 100,000 pounds sterling, or approximately 187 million Iraqi dinars  ."

 Article: "Expectations that the decline in dollar prices will bring benefits to the Iraqi individual "  Quote:  "In order to reduce the price of the dollar in the local market, the Central Bank of Iraq specified, yesterday, Sunday, the entities covered by receiving their external transfers in cash in the dollar currency, starting from January 2, 2024. "

 Article:  "A financial expert points out the reasons for the continuous decline in the dollar exchange rate"   Quote:  "On Monday, financial expert Nabil Al-Ali attributed the continued decline in the exchange rate of the US dollar towards the Iraqi dinar to...the change in the attitudes of merchants and public opinion through their conviction of the strength and status of the dinar...The dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar will continue to decline, thus touching the official rate specified by the Central Bank ."

Article: "The Iraqi Dinar Overthrows The Dollar And Wins The Struggle To Control The Regular Market  Quote  “The US Treasury continues its cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq,as many Iraqi banks have now formed relationships with  international banks for the first time.”   

  Article:  " CBI Governor: Int'l welcome to the Iraqi banking sector’s commitment to compliance rules "  Quote:  " For the first time, Iraq is witnessing the reorganization of the external transfer process through correspondent banks, instead of the Central Bank or the Federal Bank being the executive interface for this process.”

  Article:  "CBI Governor: Int'l welcome to the Iraqi banking sector’s commitment to compliance rules"  Quote:  "For the first time, Iraq is witnessing the reorganization of the external transfer process through correspondent banks, instead of the Central Bank or the Federal Bank being the executive interface for this process.”


 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:

Just to give you guys updates 

Certain whales are receiving travelling expenses to fly to their respective redemption centres. 

We are definitely close so please have faith 




 Sandy Ingram

There are 4 major reasons Kuwait, Iraq’s next-door neighbor has the strongest currency in the world…Kuwait dinar is $3.36…

1. Major exporter of oil. Kuwait is estimated to hold 10% of the world’s oil reserves. The tiny country has a population of 4.3 million people vs Iraq who has approximately 43 million people and a lot more oil than Kuwait.

2. Kuwait has an excellent reinvestment of oil revenue. Kuwait uses its oil revenue to build infrastructure and develop microeconomic sectors to increase its GDP. 

3.  Kuwait is tax free. Being a tax-free country enables the GDP to be higher and it just makes everyone happier not to have to pay taxes.  Since May of 2007 the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) is pegged to an undisclosed basket of currencies…

4.  This is good news for some of you and not good news for others…Kuwaiti currency is scarce.  It is very difficult to get your hands on a Kuwaiti dinar unless you are inside of the country…Being scarce when it comes to currency is a good thing

The Prime Minister Confirms His Determination To Continue Working To Develop The Iraqi Investment Environment, 17 JAN

 The Prime Minister Confirms His Determination To Continue Working To Develop The Iraqi Investment Environment

 Political    Yesterday, 19:11  Baghdad – IA  Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani affirmed his determination to continue working to develop the Iraqi investment environment.

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

"Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani received, on the sidelines of his participation in the Davos Economic Forum, the head of the HKN Energy oil company, Ross Perot Jr."

The statement added, "The meeting witnessed discussion of all oil projects and the opportunities available for partnership and development in this field, as the Prime Minister reviewed the government's plans to develop the oil sector, expand gas investment, and upcoming licensing rounds." Al-Sudani pointed out - according to the statement -

 “Iraq’s openness to all forms of cooperation with international companies that possess modern technology, stressing the determination to continue working to develop the Iraqi investment environment.”



Telegram post

Forwarded from Gem Finch:

Gem Finch, [17/01/2024 2:34 PM]



I was hoping I’d get a call during the call and I don’t have it yet – so what we have so far on the 16th we were looking for this to happen from Now till Friday and one highly respected source saying notifications tomorrow and going in as early as tomorrow evening or of course Thursday – so it’s popular to say  Wed/Thurs –

 so many sources have gone dark and are on gag orders but we have heard a little bit pointing to this week and one source said we’d exchange before Friday and I think this is true and we should get this done this week  – one thing that has come to my attention about having 9 – 11 stations at the RC – that’s not True – what did happen with Bond Holders they did have stations to go through for their Bonds in T3 – that’s not us – 

we expect to sit down in an office with 3 – 4 people one a US Treasury Marshall and one person on a De La Rue machines and one person doing Zim and one or two other people to handle other currencies.

 Might be even more De La Rue machines – so it goes into a Quantum computer – we don’t move – but they move in and around us – because remember they want us in and out in 30 minutes and if you have other sheet bonds  or a box of Bonds – all the numerous ones and you have the provenance for them then they will work with you and you’ll get that done – 

but even with other Bonds no more than 40 minutes – I know they are going to be quick and super fast at setting up our accounts they know who we are and how many Zim holders etc.,

   We are not going to have stations  – What is the other thing I wanted to mention, what they are going to be doing apart from the KYC they pretty much know who we are unless you’ve been gifted  – so make sure you take in that ID with you – they only need one but take two and some proof of where you live and or a bill  and then beyond that you just take your currency which you’ve hopefully organised by denomination. 

So all notes need to be put to together and just so they and you know what you have. Now we got word today – we heard that there was an in country rate of over $3 but our rate remember what Dr. Shabibi said at the International meeting and he said over $16 well we are well over that.

 Some people have brought to my attention about some banks facing bankruptcy – well we are their rescuers – because they receive funds for us exchanging and the people that help us receive funds and we will benefit from getting a good and higher rate at the RC’s well over 10,000 in the US why is it a Win Win Win .125% when you get offered a contract rate on the Dinar and it’’s going to be amazing  it’s going to blow your mind. This is a Win for EVERYONE.

Prime Minister: The Security And Stability Of The Region Depend Greatly On The Stability Of Iraq, 17 JAN

 Prime Minister: The Security And Stability Of The Region Depend Greatly On The Stability Of Iraq

Political      Yesterday, 18:46  Baghdad - INA Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Tuesday, that the security and stability of the region depend greatly on the stability of Iraq.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

“Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani attended a business meeting in which the heads and representatives of 57 international companies specialized in the fields of energy, oil and gas, and various economic fields participated, on the sidelines of his participation in Davos Economic Forum held in Switzerland.

The statement added,  "The Sudanese reviewed the government's plans in the field of economic development and reform, which have come a long way, and the great investment opportunities, industrial city projects, the large Al-Faw port, the vital development road project, and integrated oil field projects."

 According to the statement, the Prime Minister referred to “solar and renewable energy projects that were concluded with Chinese and Emirati companies, stressing the

government’s broad direction towards investing in gas and expanding investment opportunities in this promising sector, as well as the residential projects that were launched, and other projects planned in all countries.” Governorates of Iraq. Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement,

"the importance of the banking reforms that were implemented, and the Central Bank of Iraq worked on, in order to communicate with international banks to achieve compliance standards for the global financial and banking system."

 The statement continued that in terms of strengthening stability and security in Iraq, the Prime Minister stated that  "the security and stability of the region depend greatly on the stability of Iraq, and that

any attempt to destabilize the internal situation in Iraq or threaten its security will lead to harm to the regional and international security of the Middle East."

The statement concluded, "The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Oil, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, and a number of advisors to the Prime Minister."

Evening News with MarkZ. 01/17/2024


 Tues. 16 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through Fri. 19 Jan. It could happen tomorrow Wed. 17 Jan. or Thurs. 18 Jan, likely tomorrow, and then go to apt. by Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • Tier 3 Bond Holders in Reno, Geneva and Miami had stations to go through for their bonds.
  • Tier4b will not have stations but will have various people sitting down with us, one to verify your currency, one to do Zim, others would be handling your other currencies.
  • They want us to be in and out of our appointments in 30 min.
  • If you have other bonds take them with you to the Redemption Center.
  • Have one, preferably two photo ids, proof of where you live like a gas bill and organize your currency by denomination.
  • Word today was there was an in-country rate for the Dinar of over $3. Our rate at the Redemption Center will be higher. You could be offered a Contract Rate on the Dinar.
  • The Dong rate is way higher than we thought.
  • The Zim rate was on par with the USN.
  • Zim Holders have priority for the exchange and for the Med Beds.

Al-Sudani: It Is Important That World Bank Reports Realistically Reflect The Policies Of The New Government , 17 JAN

 Al-Sudani: It Is Important That World Bank Reports Realistically Reflect The Policies Of The New Government

  Time: 01/17/2024 08:59:10 Read: 390 times   {Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met, on the sidelines of his participation in the Davos Economic Forum, with the President of the World Bank Group {Ajay Banga}.

The meeting discussed, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “cooperation relations between Iraq and the World Bank, in various economic fields, which contribute to supporting the government’s efforts and strategic plans, towards more investment and development opportunities in Iraq.”

He added,  "The meeting also witnessed a review of the measures and steps taken by the government and the Central Bank of Iraq, in terms of financial and banking reform.

The projects financed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) were also discussed, most notably the rehabilitation and development project of Baghdad International Airport." The Prime Minister stressed

"the importance of World Bank reports reflecting, realistically, the new government's policies that were implemented in the economic and banking sectors and supporting the private sector, which aim to diversify the economy, increase its growth, and achieve financial stability, in light of the challenges facing the region and the world."

For his part, Banga praised the government's measures in the field of modernizing and developing the banking sector, stressing his support for those measures, especially with regard to the implementation of the electronic payment system.السوداني%C2%A0-%C2%A0أهمية-أن-تعكس-تقارير-البنك-الدولي-بشكل-واقعي%C2%A0سياسات-الحكومة-الجديدة


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:27

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, January 16th  and you're listening to the big call. welcome everybody around the globe and you’re getting our call through our satellite team, which is wonderful and great and thank you for listening and tuning in everybody.

I hope everybody had a wonderful day yesterday in the States, it's a holiday we had, Martin Luther King Day and that was a nice holiday here,  I think it was a Federal holiday here in this country.

Let's see where we stand. And I was hoping I get a call during this call with some last minute intel that I was hoping would come in, and I don't have that call yet. And I don't really want to hesitate so I'll just give you what, what we have so far today.

Okay, here we are on the 16th. We were looking for this to happen anywhere from now, through probably Friday. We have heard one source of very high respected source, talking about notifications tomorrow, or Thursday, but probably tomorrow, Wednesday. And then the possibility that in for appointments as early as tomorrow evening, let's call it and but for sure, by Thursday. 

Now, that's a very popular timing to say Wednesday. and Thursday. 

And I'm telling you guys, I can't we just cannot absolutely prove it. So many of these sources that we have have gone dark. They've gone gag order, new NDAs but we have heard a little bit come through this pointing towards this week - and more toward Wednesday, Thursday. 

OneSource came through and said before Friday,  exchanging  before Friday, well, that leaves tomorrow, and Thursday. Now if that's true, and I think there's a possibility  - We should get done this week.

I want to clarify something that was put out a little while ago came to my attention because it's been a couple of times it's coming out but somebody put out something online, and talked about having nine or 11 stations at the redemption center that we would go through. Well, that is absolutely false.

We don't have any stations to go through the redemption center. It's not happening.  What did happen with bondholders in Reno, in Geneva in Miami was they did have stations to go through for their bonds. 

That's not us. that was tier three, but don't conflate that with what we're going to experience at the redemption centers.

We expect to be sitting down in an office with about three to four people opposite us at the desk. That would be a US Marshal, US Treasury Marshal is to make sure nothing goes haywire. You're gonna have one person on a delarue machine - - that would be counting and verifying currency.

So one person is going to be doing zim if you have zim. and two or two other one or two other people would be handling your other currencies if you have them.

So they've got that setup and you might have even two or three delarue machines two per office is what the last setup was. They feed that information from the delarue into a laptop computer, and then they work the laptop into a -  Here's the word again -  quantum computer.

So that's how they've got that designed. And so we're not going to move they're going to move to us. We'll have some people that will come in and some people – a different person might come in, but overall we're looking at that kind of arrangement, because remember, they would like us to be in and out of our appointment in 30 minutes.

And if you have bonds other than zim, we're talking about sheet bonds, a box of bonds. You know, these could be anywhere from German bonds, railroad bonds, gold dragon bonds, Red Dragon bonds, etc. If you have any of those bonds in sheet form, you have the provenance for them - You take those in with you to the redemption center.

And they'll have somebody that can go through that bond work with you and the provenance and everything that you have to have to justify that you are the rightful owner of those bonds and you will get that done. But even if you have bonds They don't want you to take more than 40 minutes. If you've got currency and bonds

That's a lot to get done in 40 minutes. Believe me, I know they're going to be quick. Their practice. They're really going to be super fast at setting up our accounts. They theoretically know who we all unless you've been gifted zim -  they know who the zim owners are - they know how many are in a given area. I can tell you how many zim holders there are in some areas of the country, Because I've heard it from my sources.

But the point is, they really want the zim in and you know people have seen so in other words, let me finish up that thing before we get to that.

You know, we've been told that you'll have stations, you're not going to have stations at the redemption center – that was for bondholders that was tier three and not for us    Okay, got that clear?

Now. The other thing I wanted to mention about let me just think for a second …………….

What they're going to be doing at the redemption center for us. Remember besides the KYC know your customer, they pretty much know who we are already, unless you've been gifted - a lot of people have - a lot of people are gifted a few notes or a couple of one notes  or whatever. And they may be just taking that in. 

They may not know who you are, when it comes to IDs if you have a passport and a driver's license, government IDs, school ID something - something you know, like that. They only really need one but if they have two bring them -  and then of course you need to bring proof of where you live with some form of a utility bill, phone bill, gas bill, electric bill, something like that with your address on it and then beyond that you just bring your currency. 

Hopefully you have it semi organized. At least you have your dong with your dong and you don't have your dinar mixed in and all it's all separated, hopefully by denomination. That's not a church affiliation thing. that denomination is whether it's a for example for dinar  - Do you have you know 10,000 dinar notes you have 25,000 dinar notes, you have 5000 dinar notes. do you have 1000 dinar notes ? Yes. they did print 1000 dinar dotes

So all of those notes need to be organized together. And I've done it organized for everything so that you've got it in an envelope. It says how many million, 3 million, whatever it is per envelope, and you just have it so you don't want what you have. And they should see what you have and count it and then come up with a rate. 

Now – I Will say this the  - the word we got - was it today?   Today or yesterday?  Today was our first bank day since Martin Luther King Day yesterday when our banks were closed. Right. So today we heard that there was an in country rate on the dinar little over $3 - That's in country - for Iraq. 

But our rate is going to be - remember what see no Dr. shabibbi maybe said back in December of 2012 at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting, when Bluestar asked him what he thought the rate on the dinar would be to the dollar and Dr Shabibbi  said that it would be over sixteen - Well, we're well over that, and we should be in good shape In terms of  what they offer us. 

Remember - oh here's where I was gonna go before  - the Some people have brought my attention about the possibility of Chase and other banks they say are facing bankruptcy starting the 23rd of January. Well, here's the thing.

We are the rescuers of the banks, because when we go in and exchange our currencies and redeem our Zim, the bank will pick up 025 -  025%  that goes to the bank --- the individual that helps you do your currencies person, one person for each one of us that exchanges they pick up point.025% - oh point two 5%.

So, the bank will get hydrated. The person that helps us will make money and it'll turn into real money quick  especially with the zim -  And we will benefit from getting a good and higher rate at the redemption centers. Not at the banks -  at the redemption centers - and they're well over 10,000 inside the United States. So, here's the thing.

Why is it win win win for us and the banks  - because as we exchange and they pick up a percentage of point 0 two 5%  (.025) we get the highest rates. Do not be surprised, though, make sure you're sitting down when you get offered a quote unquote contract rate on the dinar.

Because I know it's going to be very amazing. And I've heard of these rates before and I've been keeping up with them. It's gonna blow your mind. So hang in there that should be offered to you. And it's a win for you. It's a win for the bank. and it's a win for the person exchanging you.

Okay, so that's a really good deal.

The Dong is also going to be at a really good rate way higher than we thought in the old days, way higher and where they do not have a contract rate on the Dong – And never have - we understand, they will offer us a very substantial higher rate. 

We've talked about the Zim being on par with the USN and previously with USD - and now with USN - And I think you guys understand what on par means. If you haven't picked it up by you know you should.

That is going to be a tremendous, tremendous boost and believe me - these banks want the zim in there Yesterday - they want it in!!   They want to take care of the Zim holders first, Zim holders have priority. 

Zim holders have priority for the Med beds.    Alright, enough about that. 

So - what we're looking for hopefully, is notifications tomorrow, and exchanges either tomorrow evening or Thursday.

And I know it sounds like that's what I say all the time. Blah Blah Blah - I get it.  I get it - I'm only giving you what I'm getting from the top sources . 

And I know that I do get access to information that other people don't get I know that and a lot of the stuff I'd love to tell you. it's about things going on with military and with clean up and all of that. but I really can't go there. I just can't go there. That's not a good thing. Just can’t do it 

So let's do this. Let us continue to stay in faith for this to go as I've put it out to you to night.  Let's go forward with it. And let's believe for it to manifest tomorrow and or Thursday.

Let’s see where this goes. Because I'm ready for it. I think you guys are ready to aren't you. I'm more than ready, I'm starting my 13th year of the big call.  I didn't expect it. I didn't expect to go this far.  But we are we are ready. And I think you're all ready. 

Let's go ahead and pray the call out and we'll go from there.  Just remember this though, guys, one more thing before we do that.

If you've sent in your email to big call  - and you want to get your 800 numbers when they come out. we will be sending those out right away as soon as we can.

We'll also post on our homepage, the 800 number for us to call to set your appointments. Okay, with that, we'll be on our homepage. When we no longer are doing these live calls. We'll use we'll record a podcast or record something that we're doing with our projects. And we'll want to send it out to you. 

 So let's pray. the call out.

And I want to thank everybody first of all, thank you sue, for amazing basic teachings and amazing segments that you've done and Bob, you too as well. Thank you for manning the boards and putting them up and for your segments about health and nutrition and supplementation.

Well, and everybody out there call universe Thank you for listening. 


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 16 Jan. Bruce: Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through Fri. 19 Jan. It could happen tomorrow Wed. 17 Jan. or Thurs. 18 Jan, but likely tomorrow, and then we could go to our exchange/redemption appointments by Wed. 17 Jan. evening or Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • Tues. 16 Jan. began the process of adjusting Capital requirements in gold to be infused into the new digital economy and we moved to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. (Chase bank announced IQD rate at $3.04. …Capt. Marvel)
  • Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • US National Popcorn Day is Fri. 19 Jan. 2024.
  • On Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse, plus the Cabal owned JP Morgan, which is a shareholder in the Bank of International Settlements, was scheduled to file for bankruptcy.
  • The fiat US Dollar  was expected to be considered useless by around 11 March 2024.
  • GCR Recent History:

    • Mon. 15 Jan. In Dec. everything was ready in place to go. During Jan. all systems were being implemented through the monetary reform education.  As of today 15 Jan.they’re all international – from private banks like the one Aki [Iraqi bank friend] represents to international markets. It’s what we expected. There’s not more to say because everything is in print now. …Walkingstick
    • On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
    • On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.
    • On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT))said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.

Iraqi Dinar Conversation | Dropping the 3 zeros article | Delta translat...


Central Bank: We Addressed All The Problems Facing The Electronic Payment System, 17 JAN

 Central Bank: We Addressed All The Problems Facing The Electronic Payment System

  Economical 01/17/2024   Baghdad: Hussein Thaghab  The Central Bank revealed that it is addressing the problems facing the electronic payment system, in coordination with financial institutions, indicating at the same time that  the system is moving towards stability.

The Director General of the Information Technology and Payments Department at the bank, Adnan Asaad, told Al-Sabah:

“The year 2023 witnessed the most important breakthrough in the field of electronic payment, and the

Iraqi government seriously supports the efforts being made in detailing the development of electronic payment,” noting that  “follow-up is continuing from Before parliamentary and governmental bodies to advance the reality of electronic payment.

Asaad expressed his great optimism in the year 2024, as it will be the year of achieving great achievements in the field of electronic payment, stressing that  the crisis that has befallen the country due to the poor use of cards and electronic payment tools has left a negative impact, but

thanks to the measures taken in cooperation with international financial institutions, many issues have been addressed. Of the problems and that  the electronic payment system has tended to stabilize.”

For his part, Member of Parliament Hussein Arab stressed the  necessity of activating the role of the private sector and  making it a basis for the process of economic advancement,

which requires the presence of advanced financial services that rise to global standards, pointing out that the world has come a long way in digital transformation and we must keep pace with the developments that the world is witnessing in this field. the important.

As for the Executive Director of the Association of Private Banks in Iraq, Ali Tariq,  he stressed the continuation of efforts to enhance the culture of electronic payment, which represents a governmental and legislative direction for the next stage.

He pointed out that the Association of Banks and Large Financial Institutions is working to spread the culture of electronic payment  because it realizes the importance of digital transformation and providing quality services to all segments of society, especially since Iraq is a market that requires great efforts due to the large volume of transactions.

As for the Investment Director at the International Smart Card Company, Ahmed Kazem,  he explained the importance of digital transformation and thatit should be coupled with the launch of advanced electronic payment products that maintain money paths with high transparency.

He stressed that  government support for the digital transformation process facilitates many operations and makes services rise to global standards in providing advanced products that suit the growing Iraqi labor market.

The founder of the (Electronic Payment Culture in Iraq) platform, Nabil Al-Najjar, stressed that Iraq cannot move away from the global financial system,

especially since it is an important axis in the global economic arena, which requires us to work to keep pace with the global developments that the world is witnessing in the financial sector, which represents the axis. The most important in the process of economic development.

 He stressed that the country is moving in the right direction in the field of digital transformation, and  the most important thing in this axis is the citizen’s interaction with electronic services, the spread of which is expanding in an acceptable manner.


Tues. 16 Jan. Wolverine:

 “Things are happening.  Dubai 1 got released and finalized and Dubi 2, not sure if it finalized or not, but it is getting finalized and funded. When Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 are both finalized, then things will happen quickly.

 It is the nucleus for things to start and this cascades our liquidity. In Brazil it is already taking place (Liquidity). 

Whales getting travel expenses to go where they need to go to receive their blessing. 

This is a good sign. Other whales got their notifications and are to receive their blessings this week. Tomorrow I hope to hear more news, as we are waiting to get the notifications this week for the Tier4B group.”



Iraqi Banking Announcement:   A new decision from the Central Bank (document)

 01-14-2024 | 15:58   Baghdad  According to a document issued on January 9, 2024, the Central Bank directed licensed banks to allow borrowers to repay debts in Iraqi dinars.


"Cosmos-based Layer 1 blockchain Injective   INJ +1.37% has released a main net upgrade named Volan. Central to the upgrade is the integration of a software module focusing on real-world assets (RWA)."

Here we go. The production and movement of real-world assets are currently being interfaced or connected to the QFS through Volan.

Individuals, institutional investors, and users will be able to use these products. Tokenized fiat currency pairs (foreign exchange opportunities), treasury bills, and exclusive credit products are just some of the items that will be included in this network.

Digital Transmission of voice, video, data, and other network services over digitalized circuits are some of the ways communication takes place over the QFS to complete and finalize transactions between two parties.

Volan is and has been in the process of expanding its networks to other networks around the world. There are many ways a network can populate and connect to other real-world assets on other networks.

The world is changing in ways none of us could have even imagined and creating a new Financial landscape that has never been possible until now.

Gold makes every bit of this possible. It will give real-world assets a real value allowing the QFS to make accurate mathematical calculations that will allow transactions to go through efficiently and rapidly over secure networks. This is why gold in hard assets is being stored around the world in central banks to achieve this worldwide transition.    (

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